giovedì 2 dicembre 2010

Roma 3.0RC1: Hackaton of December 6th and 7th 2010 in Asset Data

Hi all,
the Roma Framework community is always alive, mostly with Java and SVN than this Mailing List...

I'd like to share with you that next Monday and Tuesday it will be a new hackaton event in Asset Data company dedicated to the release of the 3.0RC1 of Roma Meta Framework. These the main news:
  • Janiculum as new View Aspect. Now it's straightforward to customize pages sing CSS and templating
  • New graphical components added
  • Smarter CRUD. No more popup effects in CRUD unless you want. Relationships can be bound directly to the Repository layer
  • Better Ajax management of events
And a lot of bugs fixed and improvements in the management of the memory and the speed of rendering.

Stay tuned!

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