martedì 13 aprile 2010

Romulus project ended, new modules moved to the Roma SVN repository

After more than 2 years of good work, sharing of ideas, cooperation and, of course, development the Romulus project reaches the end. The Romulus project brought a lot of modules in the Roma Framework project:
  • View-Janiculum as new View Aspect based on HTML and CSS2. It uses FreeMarker to render single components
  • Project-Portlet, Session-Portlet and Wizard-Portlet, to deploy Roma Applications as JSR-168 portlets (but there is also some extension for Liferay, our partner)
  • Semantic Jena, to export your domain in RDF just annotating it
  • Mashup-MyCocktail, to create mashup by using the MyCocktail Open Source product (built under Romulus)
Starting from today these modules will be available and supported directly from the Roma community and therefore have been moved in the Roma Framework Subversion repository.

Soon the new version 2.2 that include Janiculum as default View Aspect by replacing the View-Echo2 module (after 4 years!). View-Echo2 will rest in the repository but all the new development on the Web UI will be concentrated only to the Janiculum module.

To switch your project to janiculum just download it and add as module. The Janiculum wizard will do the rest. All your application will work but stylesheets that in Janiculum are CSS and not anymore custom XML.

1 commento:

  1. I wasn't able to find Janiculum and others modules.
    Could You provide more detailed informations about new modules location ?
